Saturday, May 23, 2015

Meet Your Artist Within - Layer 1 of CCFC

My journey to Meet My Artist Within started several years ago, when I happened upon Whitney Freya's book while looking for right-brain thinking exercises.  Whitney's book was a game changer, and I don't even know if I would've picked it up, if her bio hadn't indicated she had lived in Nashville -- as I had for 8 years some time ago.  Boy, am I glad I found this book!!

I'm currently becoming a Certified Creatively Fit Coach, so I can help others understand that "your are the artist of your life".  As part of the certification process, I get to go through the Meet Your Artist Within program again.  The great part is that I'm learning even more this time around, and I get to compare the learnings this time to the ones from the original time.  I actually get to see how this right-brain shift has changed my outlook.

Meet Your Artist Within utilizes creative activities to exercise your right brain (the creative hemisphere).  Understanding the different purposes of my left and right brains has reminded me that I choose how I respond to any situation.  In other words….Happiness is a Choice!

This was my father's mantra.  I lost him about a year ago, and ever since then, I've received signs to remind me to make that choice to be happy.  My daddy is still with me!!

If you've ever "just known" something was right or wrong for you, this is your right brain talking to you.  LISTEN!!  The painting below is one I did of a triple spiral.  This is a symbol that means a lot to me.  It represents intuition, but it also can represent the Trinity, the mind-body-spirit connection, and the birth-death-afterlife (the spiral of life).

Triple Spiral

Painting's not your thing?  No worries.  You can try your hand at scribble drawing.  Here is one of mine:

Owl scribble drawing

How fun is this??  Everyone loves to color!  

After a few minutes of painting, coloring, or some other creative effort, your logical brain will begin to quiet -- it's just not logical for you to be doing these activities.  That will allow you (as it did me) to choose how you respond to life, to see the bigger picture, and to remember that we're all in this together.  What a gift!!

Until next time -- choose happiness!
