Sunday, August 9, 2015

My Story of Meeting the Artist That Is Me

This just might be the most daunting task of my Creatively Fit Coaching Certification!  Telling my story makes it a little personal,  you know?  Well, it's a fear I need to face, so here goes....

A few years ago, I worked for a man who appreciated my logical mind but wanted me to tap into my creative side.  He suggested that I look for some right-brain exercises online, since I already did daily logic puzzles for my left-brain.  As any book nerd would, I Googled left-brain exercises.  One of the books/websites that came back in the results was The Artist Within by Whitney Freya.  The book is subtitled A Guide to Becoming Creatively Fit.  The first thing I noticed is that the author lived in Nashville (where I had lived for 8 years).  I ordered the book immediately, and while I was waiting for it to arrive, I clicked around the website and found out she had a Creative Fitness Center.  Sounded perfect to me:)

Once the book arrived, I absolutely devoured it!  I love the concepts of facing life as a blank canvas, being both the art and the artist, and creating what I want in the art that is my life.  The book includes creative exercises of all kinds.  I played with paper and pen, pastels, and even junk from my junk drawer and pictures from magazines.  It was a lot of fun, and it made me happy.

Here are the some of those first exercises:

Music Scribble Drawing

Torn Paper Tree
Torn Paper Abstract

As you all have already heard me say many times, my daddy instilled in me the truth that happiness is a choice.  "Playing" at being an artist makes that choice a lot easier for me.  Then, something really awesome happened.  I read Chapter 4, entitled Abstract Canvas:  It Can't Hurt To Try.  I discovered the joy of painting with acrylics!  When I paint, my left-brain just checks out.  It just doesn't make any sense to spend that time painting, with no plan for a finished product.  If I don't like what shows up, no problem.  I just paint over it.  My husband and boys were very encouraging (and still are), and my daddy loved the idea that I was being creative.  I wish he'd seen more of my paintings before he passed away, but I know he can see them now.  I know some artists paint a darker side, but every painting I've done is full of happy colors and subjects.  They bring me joy, and I truly believe that joy spills off the canvas and into the rest of my life.

Since then, I've developed a daily painting practice.  Just like we exercise our body, my daily painting practice exercises my right-brain.  My day is always better when I paint.  Now, I'm sharing that daily painting practice with others.  I truly believe that everyone can benefit from painting, especially when they apply what they learn to the rest of their life.

Wanna join me on this journey?  Comment below.  I'd love to take you with me.  The next Vision Quest - the Creatively Fit Program begins September 11.

Vision Quest is the invitation to deep dive with your Creatively Fit Coach (me) into the depths of your life’s potential, the infinite well of all that you have to share from within your heART’s deepest desires.
Are you ready to deep dive?